Photoshop Help After 9.0.1 Update
After installing the recent update to Photoshop, my Help menu stopped working, giving a memory error. I ran across this post in the Adobe forums, which explains the fix for it:
Assuming ahc.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center,
delete the following folders
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Cache
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Database
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Preferences
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Search
The only folder under C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help
Center\AdobeHelpData you should have left is one called packages.
Run ahc.exe
What should happen is that your help center database should get rebuilt
(you will see progress messages as it process each help package) and
everything should work.
One note here, not only do you delete the folders, but any files that are in the AdobeHelpData folder. If you don't see the progress bar updating the database, then you did something wrong. Go back and make sure the only thing that is left is the Packages folder.
The Ahc.exe file is one level up. Simply double click to run it and the database update will begin.
Assuming ahc.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center,
delete the following folders
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Cache
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Database
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Preferences
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help Center\AdobeHelpData\Search
The only folder under C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Help
Center\AdobeHelpData you should have left is one called packages.
Run ahc.exe
What should happen is that your help center database should get rebuilt
(you will see progress messages as it process each help package) and
everything should work.
One note here, not only do you delete the folders, but any files that are in the AdobeHelpData folder. If you don't see the progress bar updating the database, then you did something wrong. Go back and make sure the only thing that is left is the Packages folder.
The Ahc.exe file is one level up. Simply double click to run it and the database update will begin.
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